
Gallery Updates

I just wanted to let everyone know that I have updated all the existing galleries & added one new one!  I am planning on adding one or two more but it won’t be for a while as I have more photos to sort through.

With the winter in full swing I have been focusing on new ideas and opportunities that are popping up.  Look for more info on them in the coming months.  I am also working on a photo of the day project.  If you would like to follow my project check out my tumblr blog or facebook fan page.

Stay warm & dry while we dream of springtime.

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  • Tracey BishFebruary 7, 2011 - 10:00 pm

    I just googled my name and your website came up. It is interesting that we both share the same name…and also I love photography. I live in Indiana. I really like your photos, you are a great artist!

Tracey Bish

Boise, Idaho